Digital Downloads

Digital Downloads

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18 products
Reo Plan - free download
Reo Plan - free download
Sale price$0.00
Mihi Resource - Digital Download
Mihi Resource - Digital Download
Sale priceFrom $5.00
How to mihi to maunga - free download
How to mihi to iwi and hapū - free download
How to mihi to awa - free download
How to include mōkai/pets in your mihi - free download
Whakarongo/Things to listen to - free download
Mātaki/Things to watch - free download
Pae Tukutuku/Websites to visit - free download
Pānui/Things to read - free download
Taupānga/Apps to download - free download
Koha (gift) Tags - free download Koha (gift) Tags - free download
Karakia - for those who pass unexpectedly - free download
Karakia - for snacks - free download
Karakia - for food - free download
Karakia - for bedtime - free download
Colourable Card - Ngā Mihi o Te Wā - free download
Colourable Card - Meri Kirihimete - free download